
品川プリンスにて『ハリー・ポッターと死の秘宝 パート2』を。
あぁ・・・とうとう見てしまった・・・ 脱力。 とうとう完結。

Finally, I went to watch “Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows part 2” !

 I'm sorry I know this is sooooo out of date topic for foreign viewers.(And also for most of Japanese Potterians as well. At this point, very few cinema is playing this title any more.)

Anyway, when the film started and the title came up on the screen, I was trembling with excitement! I enjoyed and satisfied with the end, but at the same time,
I feel very sorry that this story has concluded...

I love British fantasy very much. I can say, I was brought up with British children's books and still a big fan of them.(Mary Poppins, Paddington Bear and Brambly Hedge are still my favorite!)